Leadership & High Performance Culture
This presentation can be used as a seminar at a convention or as a motivational speech at a business meeting. Joe will tailor it all the way from the Senior Director Level Managers to college students who are pursuing a career at a Fortune 500 Company. Leadership is not the act of getting a group of people to follow you and your direction, rather, it is the ability to create leaders within your team who can make decisions when you are not around. Your organization’s success is tied irretrievably to the greatness within your employees and this presentation will allow you to gain the advantage. Joe has been creating leaders at Whirlpool for more than 27 years and was known for the number of exceptional leaders that came up through his organization.

All companies have a culture but it is something that is rarely discussed or used to gain an advantage over a competitor. This presentation is designed to teach leaders, owners and employees of companies about culture, what it is and why it is important to raise awareness about the vision of the organization and to align the goals and values of the employees with the corporation’s mission statement. Joe uses examples of great cultural icons such as Disney and The Ritz Carlton to show how culture drives behavior. He also gives insight into deficient cultures with a look at companies that have failed due to upheaval in the culture. This presentation makes for a great seminar when tied in with the Leadership speech and is designed to raise the performance of your teams.
Customer Service
This presentation takes a look at what constitutes great customer service from someone who has spent a lifetime managing all types of industries while at Whirlpool and GE including retail stores, National Builders and the top National Chain Stores like Lowes and Home Depot. Most presentations on customer service devolve into the speaker telling the attendee’s that they should be more like Apple, which is okay if you have $157 billion in cash on your balance sheet, but most of us don’t have that luxury. This speech describes what you can do to distinguish your business from that of your competitor. Joe goes through what he has seen over the past 40 years in the retail industry and uses examples from his decades of experience.

American Economy
This is a presentation about the strength and resilience of the United States Economy and our prospects for growth over the next twelve months. It will give you insight into the impact of the Great Recession in 2008 and the progress we have made in the last ten years. You will learn about extraordinary changes in the production of oil and natural gas in America and how this energy boom is changing the landscape for jobs all over the country. Joe will surprise you with the number of American companies that are moving production and jobs back to America and why experts are calling this period in our history the “New American Industrial Revolution”.

Joe is predicting that our country is entering a 10 year cycle of growth and prosperity and has the numbers to back it up. This speech has been used as a Key Note address to open conventions because it raises the mood of the attendees by giving them insight into the real prospects for the economic expansion in the United States’ Economy over the next ten years.
Healthy Teams
This presentation is for leaders who want to raise awareness of Chronic Diseases in America and what action items their employees can take to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. The big five killers in America are heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. In this seminar Joe covers the most recent research on the cause of this epidemic of disease and what steps we can take to prevent them before we need to see a doctor. Healthy teams are more productive and without the constant stress of being sick, our teams make better decisions. This work will lower the costs for health care, raise the productivity of your employees and keep everyone at peak energy levels for the hard battles ahead in American business. The unique aspect of this work is that few companies make this part of training and education within their business but it turns out to be the most important step for the future of their company.